Thursday, April 30, 2020

Violent Crime

When a person who is indulged in unlawful activities uses force to intimidate another person is called a violent crime. When a criminal is involved in the case of murder or rape, violent crime is definitely committed while doing both. There are many other offences in which the victim is forcibly threatened, and violence is used against him.

Different types of offences such as robbery, sexual assault, kidnapping, murder and many others are a crime of violence. Intentionally murdering a person is the most hated violent crime everywhere, and capital punishment is awarded to the offenders in most of the cases by the different governments worldwide. Violence is committed in criminal offences such as murder, willful killing of a person, robbery, rape, severe attack on a person with a motive to kill him and assaulting someone in a group. 

Theft of personal property, burglary, theft of the motor vehicle, and purposely setting a building on fire come under property crime. Proclaimed offenders are those who have a previous criminal record. Various studies are usually based on such violent offenders says Miya Griggs. These type of people are favorite among the research community. Such people have a poor background with unfavorable personal, social and economic history.

Crime and violence have the potential to hinder financial advancement and urban growth and will increase governance provocations by encouraging degradation and thereby removing public sector support says Attorney Miya Griggs. There are many efforts on the part of the government to reduce the crime of violence. But still, the efforts that are made on this front are quite poorly designed efforts. They have tended to restrict or lessen crime and violence, but they have manage to inflict substantial social and financial costs on communities. Communities have suffered a lot from the abuse which some useless elements of society have created and punishment for the same should be imposed to make a statement in the organization so that no one tends to repeat the same.

But the question of decision is that what motivates these offenders of crime have? What is the real reason behind the criminal and violent behavior of these people? To know this, we need to identify ways of better understanding how social and political violence are organized, and need to see the assessing of the impact of policy acknowledgements which are designed to prevent crime and disorder or mitigate their harmful negative effects on the society at large says Miya Griggs.


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