Thursday, May 7, 2020

Weapon Crimes and Their Consequences

Crime is a crime, just the severity of it changes according to the situation. Some crimes are less severe, which can just be addressed with minor punishments like fines while some are violent, which are severe and cannot be left until punished to make them learn a lesson. One such crime involves the crime where weapons are used like knife, guns etc. says Attorney Miya Griggs. One is not supposed to carry any sort of weapon along. Some people are in the habit of carrying a knife in their pocket as they are of the opinion that everybody does so, which is a myth. In England, ninety-nine percent of the youth do not carry a knife.

Youngsters think carrying a knife is meant for protection. It has been revealed from the various data that a person is most likely to be hurt if one is in possession of any kind of weapon. People might be afraid of you when they see you equipped with a gun. You are most likely to be hurt by your own gun. Moreover, it is an offense to carry knives, or any other gun is against the law. Many people believe that it is a mark of respect to carrying a weapon, and people are afraid of you, and instead, it lands you, your family, and friends in danger says Miya Griggs.

It is unlawful to possess a knife or any other weapon. You put yourself in all sorts of risks if you are carrying a gun with you and can cause significant pain and make your family unhappy. The police of the region are entrusted with the job to search anyone if they find anybody suspicions of possessing a weapon. You are not allowed to get admission in any of the colleges or Universities if you have a criminal record. You are not entitled to any job as well as banned from traveling to foreign countries like America.


One of the consequences that you have to face is that it can totally ruin your life. As this is an illegal act, and when caught, along with severe punishment, you can never use the weapon again in life. That is what the law says.
  • Next up is that you could get imprisoned for up to four years if you’re if you are found in the ownership of a knife or five years for a gun. Also, the case will remain the same if you’re holding it for someone else.
  • In some cases, the severity of the crime is intense, and you could get life imprisonment for murder says Attorney Miya Griggs.
  • So avoid using these weapons to stay away from the legal complications, which could get severe at times and may cost you your entire life. There are indeed real stories about people whose lives have turned upside down after being involved in weapon crime. 


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