Thursday, July 2, 2020

Why Abiding Law Vital For every Person

Law is the set of rules and regulations which need to be implemented in one’s society to keep society in order and right form. Rules that connect different people living in the society framed by the various governments are termed as Laws. These laws safeguard the citizens’ fundamental rights, their safety, and protect them from every sort of mischief by others. Different governments have enacted laws for their general protection. These laws are applicable at the local, state, and national levels, comprised of the following things.

There are laws relating to the safety of the food. Health departments are present at both in your cities and at the state level, ensuring that the meals served to you in the various restaurants are hygiene says Attorney Miya Griggs. Health departments have issued different guidelines for food storage and preparation so that the people would get a healthy and nutritious meal in the restaurants.

The officials of the central department of agriculture and other government institutions are given the task of inspecting the plants where various foods are processed to ensure that the quality of the food is worth eating.

There are traffic laws enforced by the government for the citizens to drive their vehicles safely and do not violate the traffic rules. Proper education is given to the doctors and nurses before giving them a license to treat the patients and make them feel that they are in safe hands Miya Griggs.

It is must that all laws framed by the government be enforced and implemented strictly on the inhabitants to maintain law and order.

Therefore, there is transparency required in the various government agencies which have constituted different laws for the welfare of the people says Attorney Miya Griggs. The power of our judicial system becomes worse when one has to obey the multiple procedures of our legal system, like public hearings and its other engagements.

The judge of the court has to listen to both sides’ arguments and study the various shreds of evidence before announcing the verdict is an open justice where the arbitrator cannot act independently.

The close examination and investigating of the government policies, including its spending to keep the government alert of its various activities and if the law of the land is not prevailing and there is no check and balance on the different rules framed by the state governments, everything would have been topsy turvy.

Some people are of the view that the rule of law is not explained in terms of its fundamentals, standards, and different institutions without the right customs, ideas, and beliefs of the society.


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