Thursday, August 27, 2020

Traffic Law Significant For Avoiding Accidents

 There is nothing that we can do about uncertainty. Uncertainity and accidents go hand in hand. What one can do about accidents is we can prevent it from happening by following certain set of rules that are made by the government. This is the main reason why these rules of traffic have become certainly important for us says Attorney Miya Griggs. An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly resulting in some loss or injury is termed as Accidental Means. Such losses are covered under an insurance policy, thus insurer is being protected by paying a meager amount as premium to the insurance company.

The definition of Accidental Means in terms of insurance policy. The death of a person due to the accident has to be proved to the insurance company to claim the insured amount, which means that the injuries on the body are not caused owing to violence or any other external cause.

The injuries caused or the losses incurred are insured rely on the jurisdiction of the particular area whether the claims demanded are due to external violence or accidental means and the different courts have divided opinion Attorney Miya Griggs,. There are a lot of rules of traffic which is being prevalent in the society like you need to drive in one lane, there are certain set of overtaking which one needs to follow and these rules are equal for both two vehicles and three vehicles. There are many instances where there is lack of traffic rules which have resulted in increase in ratio of accidents leading to increased number of deaths.

Road accidents are not that minor, maximum amount of these accidents is major which might result in death of an individual. Keeping in view all these scenarios the government has devised all the rules to protect the citizens. There are many set of General Rules like we Have to be on  Left on a two-way road to allow traffic from the opposing regulation to pass on your right and on a one-way road to allow carriers behind you to overtake from your right Attorney Miya Griggs

Also, there is another set of rule that is quite famous which is When Turning Left continue to the left side of the road you are transmitting as well as the one you are beginning . All these are efforts on part of government to protect the citizens of the country which have taken the face of traffic rules and regulations.

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